Defining success:

This can be particularly challenging to achieve when you have changed industries and do not have any history with a similar type of organization. However, it is very important to seek to get as specific and measurable as possible early on in the role.

Prepare a list of specific milestones for the first three months, six months and full year on the job. Then work with your new boss to go beyond the job description and set specific goals. Share your draft milestones and ensure the two of you are aligned.

Create a personal development plan- “What got you here won’t get you there” – M. Goldsmith.

To succeed in a new role and continue to move up, you will likely need new skills and approaches. So ask yourself:

∙ Who can help you navigate the organization? What alliances do you need to develop outside your department?

∙ What new skills and knowledge do you need?

∙ What else have you identified that will help you succeed in your new role and get to the next level?

Now dedicate time to creating a personal development plan to address these gaps.

Enable your boss to win

It is important early on to get a feel for your boss’s personal and career aspirations. Some questions to ask yourself are:

∙ What are the key performance indicators most important to my boss?

∙ What are their career goals? What drives them?

∙ In what ways can I help them get more done with less hassle?

∙ Do they want clear and concise answers, or want to be led through your recommendations step by step?

Demonstrating the willingness and ability to effectively help your boss succeed is a guaranteed way to get ahead.

Absorb the culture

Many organizations – especially the high-performing ones – have powerful cultures. They will not tolerate newcomers that do not quickly prove to be fit.

Take the time to observe and understand the unspoken norms in the organization.

What are the values and how can you ensure that your behaviours are consistent with them?

How are decisions made?

Which behaviours get rewarded?

What is the tolerance for risk?

What are the expectations around dress, socializing and work ethic?

Identify those that don’t quite fit in and why?

Align yourself with key players

Seek to quickly identify who has the power in the organization, and why they have it. Develop a strategy to understand their aspirations and find ways to help them succeed. Get involved in the most visible initiatives. Ensure that you accomplish this in a way that does not alienate your boss or the chain of command.

Observe and assess before taking action

Clarify with your boss how much time you have to learn about the organization. It takes time to understand the issues relevant to your role, and form relationships before you can make effective decisions and really get things done. We are in a society where speed is everything, however, it may take 612 months to fully understand the strengths of the people, the needs of the organization and how best to lead positive change.